Hey Pretty Pole Dancer!



The time table will follow in November.



*Times may change, updates will be shared weekly.

All our visitors must be 8+

Studio ADC organiseert op 6 april 2025 alweer de 9e editie.
De PCA wedstrijd draait om technieken, uitstraling, inleving en dans.
We vragen van je om tijdens deze wedstrijden een mooie act neer te zetten, een totaalplaatje.

Je vindt alle informatie op INSTAGRAM (klik hier)

AANMELDEN: woensdag 3 juli om 11u precies
TICKETS: volgen in november

Studio ADC organises the 9th edition of the Studio ADC Pole Competition on April 6th, 2025.
The Pole Competition ADC is all about techniques, aura, spirit and dance.
We dare you to present a great act!

You will find all information on our INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT (Click here).

REGSTRATION: Wednesday, 3 July at 11am.
TICKETS: will follow in November


The Rules

Special rules apply for category Beginners upto Intermediate concerning allowed techniques. Please check those because forbidden techniques can lead to reduction of jury-points.

On the next pages, you will find more information about our Competition and the Rules
Competition Rules 2025 (EN)
Wedstrijdregels 2025 (NL)
Techniques Beginners
Techniques Intermediate1
Techniques Intermediate2
Techniques Advanced
Jury points (also in English now!)

Competition Fee
Solo: €45,-
Duo & Group: €36,- per person
Includes a voucher for a delicious and healthy sandwich or soup with bread from Sisters & Flavours, who will again be present during our competition.

Trophys Classic
- All numbers 1, 2 and 3 receive a nice trophy.
- Per block 1 extra price: Overall Winner
& All contestants will receive a medal for performance and participation.


Location & Stage

As usual, our Competition takes place in the Theatre of CultuurCampus Vleuterweide
Theater Vleuterweide
Burchtpoort 5
3452 MD Vleuten
Note: The traffic situation around the shopping center has been changed. Nearest parking is P4, reachable from the Landschapsbaan.

For the Competition we will build a truss with fixed poles! 4 meters high, 45 mm chrome. Left Static - Right Spinning. (from the perspective of the audience)
For dimensions of the stage, please check the window below. Participants are bound to stay within the limits of the truss during the whole act!
For security reasons, the truss is not to be touched. The floor is a ballet floor.



Achter je naam wordt een indicatie geplaatst voor de verwerking van je muziek:
(r) = muziek is ontvangen maar moet nog verwerkt worden
(e) = edit van je muziek is aangevraagd via de Muziekservice in onze webshop
(f) = je muziek is afgekeurd
(M) = je muziek is goedgekeurd


The indication behind your name refers to the status of your music:
(r) = music has been received but has not been processed yet
(e) = edit of your music has been requested through Muziekservice in our webshop
(f) = music has been disapproved
(M) = music is good

Participants Block 1

Pole Flow
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
9 –

Pole Teens
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
9 –

Pole Beginners
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
9 –

Pole Intermediate 1-1
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
9 –

Pole Intermediate 1-2
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
9 –

Pole Intermediate 2
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
9 –

Pole 35+ 
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
9 –

—– End of Block 1—–

Participants Block 2

Pole Advanced
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
9 –

Pole Elite
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
9 –

Pole Duo/Groups
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
9 –

Story Teller Amateur
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
9 –

Story Teller Professional
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
9 –

Pole Heels
1 –
2 –
3 –
4 –
5 –
6 –
7 –
8 –
9 –

—– End of Block 2—–


Results of earlier Pole Competitions:
Competition April 2023
Competition January 2024